Boston Marathon Training {week 11}

This was a busy week and I was on my feet {a lot}.  I absolutely love my job, but expos can be hard on the body – I usually work 14+hour days and I’m standing the whole time.  Thankfully George took all of this into consideration and worked my me/my schedule to plan out Week 11 workouts.  I was flexible but still tried to get in as much mileage as I could (given my crazy schedule).  And instead of forcing the 20+ miler, we decided it would be best if I ran 16 miles with marathon pace pick-ups sprinkled throughout.

The week ended with the INAGURUAL Rock n Roll DC – a huge event for CGI (and Brooks – the official apparel & footwear sponsor).  Congratulations to ALL racers and to all of my friends who ran!! (especially, Jessica @ Pace of Me, who ran a PR and Boston Qualifying time.  I’m so proud of you!)

Mileage: 42

Monday {5 miles} – I had raced 5 miles the day before, but felt good.  I was able to lead the fun run to a 9 min/mile pace.  Spring has arrived and it was a gorgeous night for a run!

Tuesday {track} – I felt good but my calves were still a little sore from racing.  I took it easy and ran 2 set of 1600/800, instead of 3 sets.

1.5 mile warm-up and 2 mile cool-down
1 x 1600m – 6:25
1 x 800m – 3:02
1 x 1600m – 6:25
1 X 800 – 3:04

Tuesday Night {St. Patrick’s Day Fun Run} – I hosted a themed fun run at Fleet Feet Annapolis.  100+ runners showed up, dressed in festive costumes.  I was asked by the owner to lead the runners around the 3 mile loop.  I agreed, not realizing how fast some of these guys would want to run.  And not wanting to let anyone down, I stuck with them the whole time, averaging 6:45 pace…. so much for a “fun run” {ha}
{A HUGE shout-out to Team Sparkle & Sparkly Soul for hooking me up (and my fun runners) with awesome sparkly green running attire} 

Wednesday {4 miles} – I had time for a 4 miler before heading to the Armory for expo set-up.  It was a beautiful morning and such a great way to start the day!

Thursday {rest day} – Took the day off, and I needed it – especially after being on my feet all day.

Friday {4 miles} – Another busy day, with just enough time to squeeze in 4 miles before a work event, followed by the expo.

Saturday {3 miles} – I ran 3 very painful miles after working 15+ hours, including a 3:45am wake-up call.  My legs hurt, my feet hurt, and my body hurt.  I was hoping to run more, but listened to my body and cut my run short (and ran very slow).

Sunday {16 miles} – This run was both physically and mentally hard – my body was exhausted from little sleep and working long hours.  However, it was a beautiful morning to run and I was thankful to have Dan & Lauren pushing me through the workout.  I am happy to say, that despite being exhausted and hurting, I was able to run all marathon pace pick-ups at or below the 7:45 min/mile goal (I wasn’t much faster, but I was still able to push through the pain).  Hard runs are never easy, but I enjoy 1-2 really tough workouts before a race.  They build mental toughness and help me remember, on race day, what pain and pushing are all about.

4 miles: 7:38, 7:45, 7:38, 7:41
3 miles: 7:48, 7:45, 7:32
2 miles: 7:37, 7:37
1 mile: 7:31

{I can’t even believe I’m saying this}

11 down, 4 to go!

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  1. Loved your “fun run” outfit! Do you still like expos after having to work at them all of the time now??

  2. cute outfit! I’m sorry I missed you at the expo but I zipped in and back out.

  3. That was some “fun” run. Loved the outfit. In awe of that pace. Wow! Great week all around.

  4. It was good to see you (very briefly) on the trail on Sunday! I’m glad to hear that you hit your pace goals.

  5. you’re so stinkin tall and pretty! stop it!!;)
    great week! can’t wait to see you in BOSTON!!!!!!
    p.s where are you staying??

  6. That is one huckuva week! Good job squeezing all those miles in.

  7. What is your recovery on track workouts? You are hitting some impressive times and I was wondered if you were jogging, walking, or timing yourself for recovery in between intervals. Thanks and best of luck with your Boston training!!

    • Hi Erin! Thanks for your kind words! 🙂 Recovery varies based on the distance that I run (ex. 1600m = 800m jog; 800m = 400m jog), however, I always jog in between sets (and if it’s not fast enough, coach gets “mad’ – ha). What do you find works best for recovery?

      • In an attempt to run faster I recently added track workouts to my three or four day running week. I had no idea what recovery time to allow. I ran CC and track in high school and know to keep recovery short for short races, but I was looking for guidance for recovery for long distances. Right now I am doing matching jog recovery to the interval distance but hope to eventually reduce recovery time as I get in better shape. Thanks for the advice and love the honesty of your blog!!

        • I think you are doing the right thing for right now. As you start to get faster & stronger, I would suggest 1/2-ing (or maybe even 3/4) the recovery time. For example, if you are running 800m repeats and like starting in the same spot each time (and your water is there!), it’ easy to run a 600m recovery, and still end up where you started: run 400m, and then run the straightaway (100m), turnaround and run back to the start – you just have to get creative on the track 🙂 In the end, this will make you faster & stronger overall. Good Luck – and please let me know how it goes!!

  8. Love those socks with the sparkle skirt! It’s hard to believe that it’s almost here now, it’s coming up! You’re going to do so great, look at those speedy miles you’re clocking!

  9. Where did you get your socks?!?! LOVE!

  10. I can not wait to cheer you on for Boston.. I will be the crazy lady with margaritas painted on her face jumping up and down.. haha. Love the St. Paddy’s outfit! So great to meet you today!

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