a day in the life…

For today, I decided to link up with some fabulous bloggers to share “A Day in the Life…”. I love to know how everyone does it – full-time working mom, part-time working mom, stay-at-home (but always busy) mom. What happens each day? And how does everyone do it all?!

For the time being, I’m mostly a stay at home mom – but work about 10 hours/week consulting for small, local companies. I don’t have help/nanny so I try to squeeze everything in while Mr. President is sleeping. BJ travels for work (often gone 2-3 nights/week), so sometimes it feels like a lot. But I love it, and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Even though I’m sharing yesterday with you, this is a pretty typical day in the life of {will run for margaritas}. BJ is out of town (like most weeks), so I’m covering it all today.

2am: Mr. President wakes up. Crying. Screaming. “Mommy”. Poor guy is teething and congested. After 10 minutes, I go in, change his diaper, and try to calm him down. He calms down, snuggles up to me, and we rock as I try to get him back to sleep.

No such luck.

We end up on the floor, in a makeshift bed. He’s up until 4:30am but eventually falls back to sleep.

6:30am: Mr. President wakes up and is ready to go. Me? Not so much.

We get up. I read him a few books. And head downstairs for breakfast.

7:15am: Breakfast. Today we’re having waffles (slice of toast for me), fresh fruit, and a smoothie. I “splurge” on a cup of Green tea.

photo 3 (9)

8-9:30am: Playtime. LJ and I hang out. Lots of trucks, puzzles, books, and learning. I also vacuum the house during this time, since I don’t dare vacuum while he’s asleep (moms, can I get an AMEN?!)

9:30am: Nap for Mr. President, free-for-all for me. Put away clean dishes, put dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Clean-up from breakfast. Start a load of laundry. Answer emails. Do 1 hour of work. Pick-up the house. Make the bed. Put away clean clothes. Maybe, just maybe, I have time for a quick (uninterrupted) shower.

11am – 2pm: LJ is up and ready to play. We eat lunch. Today we’re having fish, rice, and avocado. After lunch we bundle up and head out. Errands include Whole Foods and the Post Office. We go to the library and meet up with a friend + her son. The library is a great place for the boys to run around and burn off some energy.

2pm: Nap for Mr. President, free-for-all #2 for me. 45 minutes of work. More laundry. Clean up lunch, toys, snacks on the ground. 30 minutes cleaning the basement (I’ve committed to cleaning the basement since baby #2 is on the way). Prep dinner.

3:45-6pm: Snack time. Play time. It’s warm – for January – so we bundle up and go for a run + post-run playtime at the park. We see friends at the park and play for an hour. Head home to eat dinner.

photo 2 (11)

photo 1 (8)

6:15pm: Dinnertime. Salsa verde pulled chicken + corn tortillas, avocado, and sauteed peppers + onions. It’s a huge hit (recipe coming soon).

7:00pm: Bath, books, bedtime. I read anywhere from 5-10 books before bed, we love to read. After I turn out the light, I rock with LJ and sing to him. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day! Just the two of us.

8:00pm: Mr. President is in bed, sleeping. I pick-up bathtime toys, clean-up the kitchen, straighten up the playroom. Grab laundry from the basement and start folding. Turn on trashy TV, tonight it’s BRAVO’s Millionaire Matchmaker (and if I wasn’t pregnant, I’d be drinking wine too).  Grab my computer, answer a couple of emails. Unwind.

10pm: Bedtime for me. Can’t wait to sleep!

There you have it.  A typical day in my life as a {part-time work-from-home, runner with a 15mo old + #2 on-the-way mom}.

What does your day look like? How do you do it all?

Link up a post about your day & check out the other “Day in the Life” posts.

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  1. Love how you call him Mr. President! So cute 😉

  2. Oh my gosh, your “free for alls” sound exactly like mine! How much can we cram into nap time, lol

  3. I love Millionaire Matchmaker! So trashy. Being a mom is exhausting. I’m so glad my boys are all grown up!

  4. love reading what other moms do all day 🙂

    I did one about 3 weeks ago … I’ll probably try to do another one this month to see if anything has changed since last time.


  5. You are a pro! I’m impressed and admire that you fit all that into one day!

  6. Gosh, you fit a lot into that day. Love the running/stroller pic!

  7. It’s tough when they’re up in the middle of the night. I love sleep. Lol. That chicken sounds YUM.

  8. Having a little one is so demanding- I remember the naps and and early morning wake up calls (wait, I still have those) You are one busy Mom. I can’t wait to get the Chicken verde recipe, sounds so good! I wish I were there to meet your little guy and be with you for #2 eeeeeeee! so excited for you- Congrats! Love you! xoxo

  9. Isn’t it funny how fast you move once they go down for naps? OUr twins are in a stage of 30/40 minute naps…uhhh not much time…but I run around like a chicken with my head cut off – first I use the bathroom 🙂 (funny but true!), then laundry/dishes…maybe work if I’m lucky!

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