Bungee is Better

Check out my new (bungee) laces:

Claimed Benefits:
-Turns any shoe into a slip-on (I like slip-ons!)
-Never tie laces again (Yea, T2 here I come)
-Adjust instantly (Easy as 1-2-3)

I mean, seriously, could my running shoes look any cooler (one pair is hot pink, the other pair is lime green)?! I’ve been scheming for ways to cut down my T2 time – and I hope these bungees are the magic answer! I can tell that I’m getting faster and stronger in all three areas – but these little guys might just push me over the edge to “elite”. Cue: reader’s laugh!

Okay, so I’m not even close to elite or anything close to what comes after elite – but I’m trying to cut down my Olympic distance time (for personal accomplishments) and not tying my shoes sounds like a brilliant idea!

I rock Mizuno kicks – and have for a couple of years (although I have been known to date and dump a number of other brands) – and I just love the way these bungees look with my running shoes. Oh yea, I tested them out the other day and they work just fine (but more importantly, look cool).

I’m noticing a trend in recent posts: that there are quite a few things that make me feel cool – so if you would, please add these to the list!

On a side note – do any other runners use Bungees (or Yankz, etc.)? What do you like/dislike about them?


P.S. A special shout-out to Stephanie at 50 Marathon Challenge for my super cool new banner – I love it! You rock!

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  1. Your shoes DO look super awesome! I love that extra splash of color. I love dressing in all colors of the rainbow, and shoelaces are usually white/gray = super boring!
    I hope they are the magic secret that will help you decrease your T2 time.
    Hmm… what makes me feel cool? The fact that I have a bikini+bathing suit+running tank top tan on my back. It looks like a mess, but I feel so outdoorsy, which in my mind = cool! 🙂

  2. First of all, you look awesome in your new blog banner! W00T W00T!

    Secondly, bungees huh? I will have to look into that!

  3. I really like your new banner! Your shoes are super cute. I think lime green and hot pink are great shoelace colors!

  4. Your new banner looks great as well. I have never seen these bungees before. Good call.

  5. The new banner is awesome! And I am totally loving the bungee laces!! I rock Mizunos too!

  6. I love them. They look sweet. I have never used them but have heard lots of good things about them. Let us know how they work.

  7. Def makes your kicks look cool!

  8. I have run in Mizunos for years, but my last pair were Asics and I really liked them as well. But yes, your shoes look awesome with the bungee laces.

  9. Those look awesome…i usually just keep my shoes untied. i did buy a pair of elastic slip on asics and they are really nice to just put on and go!

  10. Those look REALLY cool! I'll be interested to hear how they work out!

  11. Shoes+laces=bad ass! Love the way the hot pink pops off the dark shoes. Fantastic purchase.

  12. You are definitely sporting a cool look with those laces! I'm sure when others see them, they will be jealous. Then you can tell them others gave you those because you're almost olympian…haha. Awesomeness exudes from those laces at every angle.

  13. I LOVE bungees. I have been using them right from the start. I own one pair of sneakers without them and that is only because I just cant justify sticking them in my everyday shoes! Hope they are working for you 🙂

  14. Yours look awesome but I could never get used to the unadjustable fit once you put them in your shoes. I use the little toggle thingies that you pull down on your laces. I have no idea what they're called and that was an atrocious explanation-sorry!

  15. I saw those bungee cords at the Rhode Runner store when I was visiting Providence yesterday. I wasn't sure about them, so I didn't buy any. Now I wish I'd bought a pair to try out!

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