New PR: Half Marathon

On March 17 I signed up (impromptu-style) for a half-marathon on March 26. The National Half Marathon happened to fall on a Saturday were I was scheduled to run a “shorter distance” so I figured it was NBD to sign up for a race. My thought was to race the 1/2 marathon to see a) where I was at physically and b) to see how fast I could run a 1/2 marathon (considering I’m marathon training and trying to run a BQ).

My goal was 1:35, with the thinking that I could drop back to 1:40 (or 1:45) if I needed to. I felt good leading up to the race, and took it easy (during the week) when I needed to (especially since I had run 22 miles 5 days earlier).

Race day was cold. 33 degrees to start the day, warming up to 35 degrees by 9am. The week leading up to the race I had visions of running in shorts and a tank top. I was completely wrong. I had to wear tights, a tank top, long sleeve top, vest, gloves and a hat. Not what exactly what I had in mind for a race on March 26. Oh well…

There was some confusion on my part with the race start and the bathroom. I have a very nervous bladder, so I was hoping to make one last trip to the bathroom before the start – but the lines were so long and I wanted to find the 1:35 pace group. The race was supposed to start at 7:00am but didn’t start until about 7:10am. In retrospect I probably had time to go but was too nervous to leave my corral or pace group.

I started off with the pace group but they were going a little slower than I wanted to run and I realized my bladder wouldn’t be able to hold it for 13.1 miles. I picked up the pace for the next couple of miles – trying to get enough distance between me and the 1:35 group so they could eventually catch up and I could tag along when I really needed the help. I’m bummed that I had to stop but the plan worked great. I met back up with 1:35 around mile 7 and finished with the group.

Honestly, I felt pretty good. I mean, don’t get me wrong, running an average of 7:15/mile for 13.1 miles is not easy – but I could tell that all of my training had paid off. I crossed the finish line in 1:35:05 (and that included a bathroom stop)! I was extremely happy with my time – and 1:35:05 is a new PR for me!

Time: 1:35:02
Division Place: 26/1610

Sex Place: 81/5231
Overall Place: 522/9252

Now, it’s back to real life and real training (no taking it easy because “I have a race this weekend”). I have a 22 miler scheduled for this weekend and then I begin my taper – April 1 is the “1-Month-before-my-marathon” mark! New 1/2 Marathon PR feels good – but now I’ve got to focus my efforts on something bigger and better!

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  1. Congrats on a new PR! You are a speedy one.

  2. Congrats on the PR!!! You are a speedy girl!!! I'm sure it will all pay off for a BQ!

  3. Great PR! That is the only downfall to big races is lack of pottys! Good luck on your tapering and marathon!

  4. awesome job, congrats!

  5. WOW! Congrats!

  6. Great Job on the PR and staying focused!

  7. You took a bathroom stop and STILL PR'd?!?!? You are my hero!

  8. that is awesome!!! this gives me hope!!! I have my half next weekend and I'm nervous about trying to make a 1:36….I would LIKE to do a 1:34-1:35 but not sure if it's out of my reach so we'll see:) good job sister!!you totally rocked it!!!!

  9. how awesome it that to run a PR, go to the potty, and I'm sure the course was hilly, right?

    The start temp was PERFECT for me. I'm NEVER that lucky in the South.

    Does the course go by the cherry trees? I've been thinking about this one for a while. Need some details about the course, the race, etc.

  10. sooooooooooooooo

    way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Congrats! That is awesome!

  12. You are so fast!! I can't believe you did that after a 22 miler! amazing!

  13. Congrats!!!!! Great day for a PR 🙂

  14. You're awesome! I thought about running the National Half, but it was so expensive!

  15. congrats on the PR!

  16. Inspiring job on the PR. With.a.potty.stop!!! WOW!

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